A Case for Critical Pragmatism in OD

Here is a link to my latest publication from the December 2021 issue of the OD Review. The Abstract reads: To respond to the grand challenges of epoch-defining phenomena like a global pandemic, climate change, and social justice movements, the multi-disciplined, problem-driven approaches of organization development (OD) must come to the fore. In this article … Continue reading A Case for Critical Pragmatism in OD

I’m Reckoning With Reckoning

I've noticed that reckoning has become the go-to word for talking about extreme situations that expose some disturbing reality that had previously been hidden from view. It's often used in discussions involving racial and gender disparities and in activist movements like Black Lives Matter and #MeToo. Increasingly, we see reckoning used in the context of … Continue reading I’m Reckoning With Reckoning

Socially Significant Science

The concept of “social” is undergoing constant redefinition, and with that, so is everything else. Even before the coronavirus pandemic introduced us to social distancing, new forms of social media were disrupting everything from how we define relationships, how we communicate, how we educate and learn, how we influence, or are influenced by others, how … Continue reading Socially Significant Science

My Shot

The Broadway musical Hamilton with its inspiring re-telling of the story of the American Revolution is widely credited for reigniting energy into the ideals of American Democracy. Its songs are about history, but they are also about the world today and inspired by the challenges and opportunities of the present. It was Alexander Hamilton’s revolutionary … Continue reading My Shot