Current Projects


In October:

 ‘Reimagining the Academy means Reimaging Organization Development (OD) Thinking: Creating and Shaping OD Innovation through the Scholarship of Integration towards Liberating!’, has been accepted for presentation at the 2023 Midwest Academy of Management (MWAOM) Conference in Chicago, IL.

In June I was honored to receive an award for outstanding article – honoring the special section I organized and edited for the OD Review


Advancing OD Doctoral Education Through Publishing

In December I completed a nine-month project that resulted in a special section of the Organization Development Review featuring a group of seven articles authored by individuals who are currently pursuing a Doctorate degree in Organization Development. The articles are presented as a special collection that highlights the role the OD Review plays in nurturing the next generation of broadminded, discipline-spanning OD scholar practitioners.


As Associate Editor for the OD Review I am overseeing a special issue of ODR with guest editor David Cooperrider scheduled for completion in March of 2022. You can read a preview of it here…


An article that I co-wrote with my colleague Steve Cole entitled Perspective Transformation and the Jazz Mindset: A Model for Post-Crisis Organizations was published in the summer 2020 issue of the Organization Development Review. You can download it here.

I’m proud to share that I have received a personal invitation to attend the prestigious Sumantra Ghoshal Conference on Managerially Relevant Research at the London Business School. The invitation was based upon a solo-authored paper submission entitled Turning the Tables on Bad Management Theories and Good Management Practices. This invitation-only conference is an opportunity for attendees from all over the world to present and exchange ideas on research that not only meets the highest standards of academic rigor but also rich in insights for practitioners, managers, consultants and policy makers.
Update: Sadly, this conference has been cancelled due to the Covid-19 outbreak


On October 17-20 I will be attending the Annual Conference of the Organization Development Network in Las Vegas.

On June 12 and 13 I will be attending the New Rules Summit in Brooklyn, New York.This event is sponsored by the New York Times who is calling on diverse leaders from across business, politics and culture to create a boldly inclusive vision of the workplace— and transform it into reality. Hosted by Pulitzer Prize-winning journalists at the forefront of the gender and equality conversation, the conference will invite attendees to propose concrete solutions and publish the results in a special section. 

My article entitled The Future of OD from a Stakeholder Perspective was published in the summer 2019 issue of the Organization Development Review.. You can download it here…