A Work in Progress

When I write about organization development in my blog, I try to keep the insider jargon at a minimum. I want my ideas to be appreciated by readers who may not be as familiar or comfortable with the vocabulary of OD. I find this to be a worthwhile challenge because (a) I should be able to talk about OD using everyday language and (b) I tend to be critical of writers who use a lot of obtuse language in their blogging.

There are, however, occasions when I want to speak directly to others who work in organization development about issues in the field that matter to me. This is what my journal articles are for. I assume I’m writing for a reader who has more than a passing familiarity with OD. But even at that, I try to keep my journal articles accessible, so you don’t need a doctorate degree to understand them.

I also have written things that don’t fit into either a blog or a journal article. These are more like essays on ideas that I have about OD that I want to share with other people in the field. But because my ideas challenge a lot of traditional thinking and present new, unfamiliar ideas, they fall outside of what most peer-reviewed journals publish both in content and in length.

These “in-between” pieces are where I can be the most adventurous and expand my unique perspective on OD. I like writing them, but I don’t know what to do with them. I’m posting a draft of one of these today in order to share with others who I hope will find it inspiring and maybe even have ways of putting this into broader circulation. Here it is…

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