MSP Airport’s Snow Plow ‘Playbook’

Kurt Lewin was a social psychologist whose work in the 1930s and 40s is credited for laying the foundations of the field of organization development. Among the many things that made his work revolutionary were simple ideas that sound amazingly contemporary today. He believed that work shouldn’t limit a person’s potential, but develop it. He believed work shouldn’t be drudgery but involve love, beauty and the “soaring joy of creating.”

Those are challenging ideas right now here in Minnesota, where we just broke the record for the snowiest February, EVER. Our routines and plans have been upset by an unprecedented parade of snow storms and even the most agile among us are being tested for our ability to adapt to the challenges, disruption and, dare I say, drudgery of all this.

There is plenty to make light fun of – but it’s serious business for organizations that need to continue their operations and maintain high service levels throughout all the disruption – especially those that provide emergency services and public and private transportation.

So, I was delighted when I saw this news story about the creative approach crews at the MSP airport have found for making all our lives easier, safer and just more livable through all of this. Thank you, MSP airport snow removal crew! Kurt Lewin would have been proud.

MSP Snow Removal